Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers Day

To all the fathers, HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!! I hope you have a wonderful day with rest and happiness with your family.

Monday, June 14, 2010


As I sit here writing my middle child is curled up at my feet sleeping, and I know that I should be doing the same. But I decided to BLOG!! LOL
I can not believe that we are half way through June. My kids are all sun kissed with days at the pool, Crazy hair do's for the summer and mommy taking her time in the morning. Yep, summer is here at the Henson house. My kids have been staying up late these past few weeks, not sure how much I like that especially when they do not nap during the day. This is a recipe for bad melt downs. I know, I know "you are the adult Brandi make them"! That is so hard when we are running from practices and games both lasting til 8:30 and we do not play games close by. I had one mother tell me oh summer is her DOWN time, well mine is turning out to be my busy season. And I was worried about them not having anything to do this summer.
Okay please be praying for Mike he is trying to get a new job that he really wants. Just pray that he would get that job.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cinderella story

My word for me this year is TRANSFORMED. My mission statement this year is "I want to be transformed by God for God". So when we were playing these last two games I kept thinking "Am I living a transformed life"? Two times over two days I lost my transformation and was condemned by the Holy Spirit, I prayed for forgiveness and received it.
So during the game when Nathan went up to hit I was praying, and when others went to hit as well I was praying. Some will say God does not care about sports, but I have to disagree. God cares about a mother on her knees praying for her kids team, and He did amazing things.
So here is how our last game went. I personally think Nathan is a natural at it but... I am his mother. Mike happens to coach his team as well so a little bias to say the least. Anyway, So we were playing in a single game elimination tournament these past two days. We were seeded in last place, cause we had not won a game all season long. So no parent or coach I think really expected this to happen. Out of no where it was like a switch turned on in our boys and we WON!!! So we had to play again last night as we moved up the bracket. Well it was a well fought game but in the end we lost by one run. I mean it was down to the last inning us up by one 2 outs, three coach pitch throws inn and BAM the kids nailed the ball and score the other team.
I heard this idea from a christian radio station. And I want to encourage you guys to think of a mission statement for your life this year. What would it be? What is the one word that will be about you? Mine transformed, came to immediately no hesitation, no second guessing, just BAM!!! WHAT'S YOURS GOING TO BE??

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It's gonna be alright!

Well I have been feeling a little down lately. If you don't know already. My family and I have been living with my parents now for almost a year in July. It has been hard having 7 people under one roof. 8mnths of this year Mike has been unemployed looking for work. He now has been employed for almost three months. I feel like it is time for us to have our own place. So Mike and I have been looking at apartments to move to.... Well now it turns out he is "under employed". I mean really, are we ever going to be out from under all this pooh. Basically you have to be making three times what "market value rent" is for an apartment. Almost no one rents at market value. So the song I posted below has sort of become my theme song. I love this guy Matt Maher he is a christian singer. This is becoming my song anthem for now. "Cause even in the dark you can still see the light its gonna be alright, its gonna be alright". Matt Maher Take a listen to the song and see if it hits a chord in you. Please pray continue to pray for us that God would move this mountain in our life.

Matt Maher - Hold us together with lyrics

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Easter week

Okay I was not sure how to start this post. I have typed and deleted it repeatedly. Then light came on in my head.
I have had a rough week. It started over the weekend. Rachel got a fever and it lasted all weekend. Took her to the Dr. on Monday and she has a ear infection. On top of all that we had baseball stuff for both boys all weekend long. Then Tuesday, Wednesday, more baseball games. Which by the way Nathan played great in.
Then there was today. Nathan got tested for Dyslexia at school. I had my speculation since pre-k, and most definitely in Kinder I knew he suffered from it. But it is heart braking when you hear it "on the record". I want the best for my child. I never want him to feel like he is weird. I know it is not the end of the world, it is just the begging. It hard because I can't fix it.
Anyway, through it all I made a commitment to God. That this Holy week I would listen to nothing but Christian Music. And I have kept that promise. I wanted this week to be a reflection of what Christ did for me/ us. It has been wonderful. I have seen Gods hand at work with even with my busy week and the news of Nathan. God is faithful and will work everything to His glory. All I have to do is pray and have faith that He will prevail.
In Him,

Oh here is a pic of my Rae!! She is a stinker, even when she is sick!!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

We have busy little bees since end Feb17th- till tomorrow. Let me just say a big part of it has been birthdays. The boys birthdays a practically two days apart. Not really but very, very close. Soooo lets just say I have been eating lots pizza and lots of sweets!!!! But both my boys are year older and growing like weeds.
Tonight when I looked back at Nathan when we were on our way to a school fundraiser. There he was listening to his Mp3 player and holding his stuffed animal. It hit me I these moments of him changing but still holding on to his little boy things will be few and far between. Soon he will want nothing to do with me, not want me to hold his hand, or to kiss him good night. These are the days and I need to remind myself of that daily. Jacob is still little enough that he likes to hang out with mommy. Which I LOVE!!! One day last week he stayed home cause he was sick and we watched cartoons together. All three of us in bed. Jacob holding Rachel's hand, and mommy just starring at them. Then we ran errands together and he told me "Mommy I sure do miss you". My heart just melted.
As for my diet it has not been going well at all. With all this birthday stuff I have been eating horrible but... I have been working out. I have to get back on the wagon and start eating better. Not just for me but for my kids and husband. Pray for me in this battle cause it is such a battle.

Friday, February 19, 2010


I have been put on around of steroids for my ears. I have no idea if they are working or not. But some of the side affects are : Insomnia, dry mouth, and retaining water. Well I only have had one night so far of lack of sleep, thank god!!! Thirsty all the time. I personally feel like I am riding waves. Cause one minute I have tons of energy and the next time I am so drained!!! That in itself is hard on me. And I have noticed that my eye sight is sort of worse than before taking these meds. I am wondering if they have jacked with my eyes sight. So I am thinking that I am going to try to detox after I am done taking these meds. I personally do not like the idea of my body having all these drugs in them. So which me luck in the detox. Will let you know if I get any better after all the meds and detoxing goes.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

coming together

At night my house becomes CRAZY!! And when the children all go to bed I reflect and think "How can I make the night more peaceful at night and not so crazy". So I thought that I would try getting head start on dinner things and that my relieve some of the stress at night. Ugh, no! It did not work. I am trying hard to find something that will click with my family. If anyone has some ideas please let me know? Also let me know how to control my husband too (just kidding).

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Awsome Update!!!

First things first "God is good, ever fulfilling". Our journey started gosh I guess about four years ago. It started when Mike an I decided that we wanted to open our own SMT shop. When we were starting this adventure during a prayer time. I heard God telling me "Trust in Me, I will not fail you, trust Me". Mike had worked two jobs for about a two years. Missing much time with the family. But we decided that it was time took a leap of faith and Mike went on to leave his 8-5 job. The first year working full time went well yes we took a big pay cut but at least we were making ends meet. The second year took a turn for the worst, some unexpected things happened and we had to pull out and sale our house and move from Houston to Austin. We have been living with my parents for the past seven months Mike and I with all three of our kids. That's right SEVEN people under one roof.
Mike has been struggling to find a job. Interviews but nothing would pan out from them. He had interviewed (mid Jan) with a company that has a contract with Intel. They told him that they decided to go with another person for this position. So we thought that this door had closed and we moved on. Until late last night!!! They called Mike and offered him the position due to another person leaving. So Mike goes back to work Feb 8th!!!! It is contract position for undisclosed amount of time. But at least it is our foot in the door. We are now praying that Intel will offer him a permanent position.
All this time I thought Gods talking to me had to do with our company. But really He meant these past seven months. He sold our house in three days, He has given my family shelter, clothing, and food. I want to thank everyone who has prayed for my family and I. Especially thank you to my parents who opened up their home to us. Thank you so much mom and dad, thank you. God is so good.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


There was a good article on today. The article is about upcoming super bowl commercials. Tim Tebow is going to be in a pro-life commercial and CBS is going to run it. I am super thrilled about this one. Anyway here is the link to the article.,,20339455,00.html
I read what some people said about the article some not so happy about it and others very happy about it. Anyway it got me thinking. Why do people have so much ill contempt for people who do believe in God, and do not think abortions are they way to go. I just don't get it. Stand up for what you believe in and other people don't need to bash you for your believes. Now this is just my two cents take it or leave it.
I am so proud of Tim Tebow's decision to stand up and let his faith show. This is a hero that I don't mind my young kids looking up to, finally.