Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy new years!!!

Well it has been one crazy year for the Henson family. I am most glad that this one is ending and now we are moving onto 2010!!
Recap of 2009:
It started out good. We were full of hope with our company, and our little family. Then the recession hit our company along with some very unplanned things. By mid June Mike was out of work. We had to put our house on the market beginning of July and had a contract to pending 48hrs later. SOLD by August!!!! We moved in with my parents and that is now were we reside. It is a little bit cramped but we are so blessed that we have a safe, dry place to raise our kids for now.
Mike is still looking for work however due to the economy we are not out of the rough yet. But I truly believe that things are going to turn around for us this year. I am looking for work as well in medical field, which is where my heart truly lies. But am looking into other options but am praying that someone will just give me the chance to get back in this field.
The kids are doing great!!! They have adjusted so well to the move and their new school. We are so lucky that my parents live in the school lines to one of the best schools of the district. Nathan played fall coach pitch baseball this past year. First time to play like on a team my father usually plays with at home. So I was super thrilled to see him get to the plate smack that ball his first time up at bat and he hit a double. I just might have pro on my hands.
Jacob, is in preschool and loving it. He tells us everyday about his best friends at school and what they did. He wants to play soccer in the spring but I think that we will try t-ball first.
Rachel, well she is everywhere!!! And I do mean everywhere. She goes from the time she gets up to the time she goes to sleep. I think that she might be worse than the boys, plus she thinks she is royalty and we are her minions.
All in all we good we have gotten one hurdle taken care of just need the other. We realize that all of this Gods plan and His timing and we are just to be His servants faithfully obeying Him. "Thank you Lord for another day with my family and a safe place to be. Father continue to lead us and give us patience to go down your path you have for us. Lord let us make the right decisions that glorify you". Amen

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas come and Gone!

Well most of you may not know this. But Jacob has been having some hearing problems for a little bit. He has failed four or so hearing tests. I took him today to the ENT, great Dr. The best bedside manners and so down to earth, it was just a wonderful experience. Anyway he failed his hearing test there as well. The Dr. started to clean his ears started with this little bitty metal hoop thing, then there was just so much he went to an ear vacuum. Could not get all the ear wax have to give him ear drops 10days 3x's a day then go back. Dr. feels quite confident that once the blockage is gone he will be fine. Does not want to jump the gun.
On another note the boys are driving me crazy. I am so ready for school to get back in the swing of things. I think they are secretly ready too they are always like whats next. So Christmas was so wonderful. Watching the kids tare into their presents and seeing them smile with excitement. While I know Christmas is not about gifts and etc... It is fun to remember it and see it through children eyes.
I pray that all of you had a wonderful Christmas and beautiful new year. Talk to you soon.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Count down till Xmas!!

With Thanksgiving behind us now, and the preparing for Christmas. As a christian mother I often wonder how do you balance kids idea of Christmas with the true meaning of Christmas. I am guilty of it as well though getting excited for them about the presents under the tree. Not for me but for them I love to see their eyes light up and their faces go crazy. I think it is time to take a moment and center myself for a little bit and remember why we celebrate.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thursday, Thursday!!

Mike has had two interviews this week and will be having one more tomorrow. So that is some good news. I am ready to move from this one stage to another stage. Kids are still doing well.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Mike had surgery on Wednesday, and I really thought that I was fine. Then the O.R nurses came in and said "it is time to take him back". I kissed and him and walked out, got to the waiting room and started crying. There is always this "unkown or what if". He was fine the surgery went fine and he is now recovering well. Although I think he could suck it up a little more. But I guess this coming from a lady who has three c-sections and is always like "get up and move". I also had a job interview the other day. My hearts desire is to work in that practice but I have to rely on the Lord's will. Everyone I hope you have a good weekend.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday game!

Nathan did very well today at game time. Still have to work with him on not being scared of the ball. But man he did awsome.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

First GAME!!!

So the "Henson family" is getting ready to go to the big mans game. We are so super excited about this big moment!!! Will let everyone know how painful the first game is going to be.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


my daughter thought that it would be nice to break a key off my laptop keyboard. Man nothing is mine anymore. I am constantly having to beat off one of the three kids. Luckly my husband can now fix lap tops!! He doesn't know it yet but he is going to have to fix mine. He can thank his daughter for that. Anyway one of my friends is doing walk across texas thing. She has inspired me to try to do this as well. She does not know that yet but she has.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Okay so I started working out again!! WHY, WHY, WHY can't I just do nothing and loose weight. But no you must work out and eat right. Okay so let me tell you all about this new web site. Exercise TV. It rocks!!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Fired UP!!

These past few days I have been fired up. About the idea of politics coming into my first graders class room. If you don't know what I am talking about I am talking about this OBAMA television thing coming into our kids class. Until recently his speaking points where going to be about his AGENDA: Health care, More bailouts, and yes maybe something about schools. I stress maybe because lets face it all he cares about is indoctrinating our kids into "their" (Democrats) way of thinking. I think not!!!! My child needs to be learning about the founding fathers of this country what this country was based on. NOT, health care, bail outs, bashing free enterprise. I am sorry I don't think so. I called his school and asked them do you plan on participating in this bull pooh, and they said "no", and I said "good my kids can come to school".

AS for my cooking thing, I have not forgotten about it I have just been in this weird mood were nothing sounds good. So I have been eating but nothing is really satisfying my true hunger.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


As Mike and I drove home tonight from Bestbuy it hit me that we are completely open to move any where. We just need a job, and preferably not back to Houston. Sorry folks I am not a Houston kind of girl. When I said that to Mike he was like "I don't know about moving to another state". And to him I said "We can go anywhere you get a job or anywhere we feel led to go". "We are a blank book waiting for God to do the writting". I am feeling ready to see where and what God has for us. I just keep praying sooner than later.

On another note, I did cook tonight but I did not use any of the low calorie recipes. I just did a dijon breaded pork chop, it was okay but not great.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

big idea!

I recently went to go see the movie "Julie and Julia" it was great!! I personally really love to cook it is the cleaning up part that I hate. Anyway so I thought I would sorta steal the same idea from that movie except I won't be cooking Julia Childs. Not that I don't want to just that I will end up gaining 30lbs & I am trying to loose it not gain it. I am going to be cooking out of "Cook yourself Thin" and other light cooking. I saw there show last night on and some of the stuff that they made looked really delicious and easy. Easy being the operative word having three kids I don't have time or patients for Juila (sorry Jules). Anyway I will also post the link to the recipe.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

sleep....sleep little one

So here we go, 11:15PM and she is up!!! In all her wonderful floppy glory. I am beat from the lack of sleep last night with her in my bed. What do I do? I feel like chanting "sleep little girl, sleep, sleep". Pray for me that she sleeps, for real. I am sure this how mothers go crazy.

sleepless night & sick kids!!

So we had almost no sleep last night due to one whiny, crying, flopping baby. When we finally get some rest we literally have to get up to take the oldest to school. Oh, by the way baby created us @ the same time with that's right nasty, nasty, pooh!!!