Saturday, August 29, 2009


As Mike and I drove home tonight from Bestbuy it hit me that we are completely open to move any where. We just need a job, and preferably not back to Houston. Sorry folks I am not a Houston kind of girl. When I said that to Mike he was like "I don't know about moving to another state". And to him I said "We can go anywhere you get a job or anywhere we feel led to go". "We are a blank book waiting for God to do the writting". I am feeling ready to see where and what God has for us. I just keep praying sooner than later.

On another note, I did cook tonight but I did not use any of the low calorie recipes. I just did a dijon breaded pork chop, it was okay but not great.

1 comment:

  1. You have no idea how much Paul wants taht freedom. He hates Houston. I selfishly wish you would come back, but thankfully you have this blog now to ease my pain! ;)
