Saturday, August 29, 2009


As Mike and I drove home tonight from Bestbuy it hit me that we are completely open to move any where. We just need a job, and preferably not back to Houston. Sorry folks I am not a Houston kind of girl. When I said that to Mike he was like "I don't know about moving to another state". And to him I said "We can go anywhere you get a job or anywhere we feel led to go". "We are a blank book waiting for God to do the writting". I am feeling ready to see where and what God has for us. I just keep praying sooner than later.

On another note, I did cook tonight but I did not use any of the low calorie recipes. I just did a dijon breaded pork chop, it was okay but not great.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

big idea!

I recently went to go see the movie "Julie and Julia" it was great!! I personally really love to cook it is the cleaning up part that I hate. Anyway so I thought I would sorta steal the same idea from that movie except I won't be cooking Julia Childs. Not that I don't want to just that I will end up gaining 30lbs & I am trying to loose it not gain it. I am going to be cooking out of "Cook yourself Thin" and other light cooking. I saw there show last night on and some of the stuff that they made looked really delicious and easy. Easy being the operative word having three kids I don't have time or patients for Juila (sorry Jules). Anyway I will also post the link to the recipe.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

sleep....sleep little one

So here we go, 11:15PM and she is up!!! In all her wonderful floppy glory. I am beat from the lack of sleep last night with her in my bed. What do I do? I feel like chanting "sleep little girl, sleep, sleep". Pray for me that she sleeps, for real. I am sure this how mothers go crazy.

sleepless night & sick kids!!

So we had almost no sleep last night due to one whiny, crying, flopping baby. When we finally get some rest we literally have to get up to take the oldest to school. Oh, by the way baby created us @ the same time with that's right nasty, nasty, pooh!!!