Friday, February 19, 2010


I have been put on around of steroids for my ears. I have no idea if they are working or not. But some of the side affects are : Insomnia, dry mouth, and retaining water. Well I only have had one night so far of lack of sleep, thank god!!! Thirsty all the time. I personally feel like I am riding waves. Cause one minute I have tons of energy and the next time I am so drained!!! That in itself is hard on me. And I have noticed that my eye sight is sort of worse than before taking these meds. I am wondering if they have jacked with my eyes sight. So I am thinking that I am going to try to detox after I am done taking these meds. I personally do not like the idea of my body having all these drugs in them. So which me luck in the detox. Will let you know if I get any better after all the meds and detoxing goes.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

coming together

At night my house becomes CRAZY!! And when the children all go to bed I reflect and think "How can I make the night more peaceful at night and not so crazy". So I thought that I would try getting head start on dinner things and that my relieve some of the stress at night. Ugh, no! It did not work. I am trying hard to find something that will click with my family. If anyone has some ideas please let me know? Also let me know how to control my husband too (just kidding).